Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So I'm freaking myself out a little bit so I thought I would write about it, and maybe that would help! So we went to the fertility doctor yesterday. He seems really nice and the clinic seems awesome and super helpful. It was just a consult, so we don't know anything, and won't for 2-3 more weeks. It is driving me crazy already! I don't know how NOT to think about it though! I am going to have an HSG test(Hysterosalspingogram). It is scary. It could show m that I won't be able to get pregnant on my own without a surgery being done to try to correct the problem or just having to do in vitro. It makes me really sad that this could be the problem. If it is, looks like we won't be able to have a big family like we have wanted. But I'm trying to come to terms with that. Even if we were just able to have Lorelai, I would be ok with that, she is the greatest little person in the whole world!!! But yeah, so we just have to wait and see if that is the problem. HOPEFULLY that isn't the problem and it is something a lot simpler than that. But the doctor seemed really concerned after I told him about my appendix surgery, so he thought this would be the best place to start. The test isn't cheap either! Unfortunately insurance won't pay for it, they actually pay for no fertility stuff at all. But the HSG is going to cost us around $400, and that is the best deal around here, but we have to pay it in cash...which has been low around here for a while. This whole thing is soooo emotionally draining and it is just beginning. I need to find myself some projects or something to do to keep my mind off it all. I wish it was nice outside! It snowed last night, so I don't think it will really be warming up anytime soon. When I'm in the house all day I find myself on the internet a lot reading about infertility and freaking myself out. It's not a good thing! But I can't help it, I'm just so nervous about it all. I'm really scared. Hopefully things will be ok...


Lisa said...

I wish I had something way comforting to say or that I could do something to help. Just know that you and your family are in my prayers. I've been thinking about you the last couple of days and wondering how you're doing. I'm so bad about calling - sorry :(

Erickson Family said...

Hang in there. Things happen for a reason. I know it's a lot easier to say that when it's not you in that situation but I do really believe that. If you find yourself wanting a little day trip you could drive up to see us :) We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers as well. Be Strong!!

Lisa said...

I'm sorry things are not going well. I think the worst is not knowing what's going on, hopefully in a few weeks you will start to get some answers. I really hope it's not the problem they are testing for though. We are thinking of you, and if you ever want to talk, give me a ring. Love you!