Friday, December 4, 2009

Cutest girl in the world!

I'm so in love with my daughter! She is the best!! She is so funny. She keeps me laughing everyday with the things she says and does. "Delish" ,"Daddy farted out his butt" , "I cannot believe it", "Oh gosh, oh my goodness!". Those are just a few of her favorite little sayings that always make me smile. She is finally starting to sleep (for reals) in her bed! I know, I know she is already 2 1/2, most people already have their child out of their bed along time before this, but this is a big deal for us! She tells us when it's time for bed, turns off the tv and heads to her bed and waits to brush her teeth, say prayers, and all that.

She loves painting, and drawing, and all stuff. I keep trying to think of little crafty projects that she can do that won't drive me crazy with a big mess! I had to search and search to find those watercolor books where the paint is already on the page and you just use water and a paint brush. Thank goodness for Target!! Steve didn't believe me that these existed, apparently he never used them when he was little. I thought they were a super common thing, but apparently not! She loves playing with/torturing the kitty, whose name has become Kibby, since that is what it sounds like when Lorelai says kitty. The name has stuck pretty well! They have a lot of fun together. She also loves helping me cook and clean. She likes being in the kitchen with me, which is super cute. She loves putting the clean dishes away, hopefully that will stick in her teenage years!! (I doubt that,but a mom can hope!)

Another big milestone that has happened with Lorelai lately is staying in Nursery at church! She seems to love it now. I stay for about a minute or two, and then she is good. I think I have her teachers to thank for that, they are awesome! They have made all the difference for her! She is still SUPER shy, but I'm hoping that nursery will help with this. Her teachers say she is still really shy, and keeps to herself the whole time, but she likes being around the other kids! She is wonderful! She is my best little buddy!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Painting on the couch eh? Yeah, Steve is the weird one, everyone knows about paint with water Steve!