Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hospital time!

Well, it is baby time! I'm up cooking me up some hashbrowns waiting to be able to go to the hospital to get induced!! I'm so excited! I didn't go to bed until about 2 last night and then Lorelai was talking to me for about 45 minutes after that! She is so cute. She is very excited(me too) because her Oma is here! She was telling me about all the fun things that her and Oma are going to do today while mommy is at the hospital getting Lincoln out of my tummy! She is very excited to play with the new Play-doh that Oma bought her. I'm so excited to see her as a big sister, it is going to be really fun. She is so sweet, and I think she is going to be an awesome big sister and such a big helper to me! She is the best little girl I could ask for!
I'm super excited to meet my little Lincoln. He doesn't want to come out, but I can't wait anymore! I'm so excited to have a little boy join our family. It will be fun to see the differences in having a boy and a girl. It was a long road to get to this point, but I'm so excited the day is finally here that I will get to see and hold my little Lincoln!! I'm so grateful for the oppurtunity that I have to be a mother, it is the greatest thing in the world.
My appointment was schedualed for 8:30am, but I called and they said I could come in an hour early so I better finish getting ready, it's almost baby time!!!